Tag Archives: terminal

Setting proxies with http_proxy variable

Using proxies to access sites blocked by your organization is a common thing. Problem arises for people who loves to work in command-based environment and browse internet in terminal itself. This post solves their problem.

Linux and other Unix-based systems have environment variable http_proxy which is used by internet command line utilities like curl,wget,lynx etc. All you need is proxy server IP address (URL) and port values.

Setting up the http_proxy variable:

Fire up you shell and type in following

$ export http_proxy=http://server-ip:port/

$ export http_proxy=

$ export http_proxy=http://proxy-server.mycorp.com:3128/

If the proxy server requires a username and password then add these to the URL. For example, to include the username foo and the password bar:

$ export http_proxy=http://foo:bar@server-ip:port/

$ export http_proxy=http://foo:bar@

$ export http_proxy=http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@proxy-server.mycorp.com:3128/

Continue reading Setting proxies with http_proxy variable

Torrent in Terminal

Torrent probably is the most used program after Terminal for movie-buffs who also happened to be the linux users like me 😛 . This post shows how to use terminal for downloading torrent instead of using separate program for it.

Command-line application rTorrent does the job of downloading torrent in terminal itself.


1.Open the Terminal.

2.Download rTorrent using the command in terminal in debian based systems.

sudo apt-get install rtorrent

3.After installing rTorrent open it using the command rtorrent in terminal. It opens rTorrent UI.

*** rTorrent 0.9.2/0.13.2 - like-a-boss:3371 ***
[View: main]






(11:56:24) Using 'epoll' based polling.
(11:56:24) Using 'epoll' based polling.
(11:56:24) Using 'epoll' based polling.
(11:56:24) Could not read resource file: ~/.rtorrent.rc
[Throttle off/off KB] [Rate 0.0/ 0.0 KB] [Port: 6989] [U 0/0] [D 0/0] [H 0/3]

Continue reading Torrent in Terminal

Recording Session in Terminal

Handed over your system to one of your notorious friend and worried what he’ll do with it.Recording the session can be helpful in keeping track of whatever he has done.Similar needs may arise due to various reasons.

Instead of installing a GUI software,you can record the session with a simple one line command.Just open the terminal and type:

ffmpeg  -f  x11grab  -s  wxga  -r  25  -i  :0.0  -sameq  <file-name>.mpg

  • -f : force-format
  • -r : Sets frame-rate
  • -s : sets size (wxga=1366*768)
  • -i : input-file

If ffmpeg in not installed,simply install it with:

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Child’s play,isnt it? Happy recording.  🙂